Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

well, i know there's no one open my blog. but i just loved to write everythings in here.

today i'm going to write my favorite things to do. i really really loved to watch korean drama. the first drama that i watched is full house and my sassy girls chunhyang. and after that i fell in love with everythings about korean.

as you guys know (maybe don't know) i'm an Indonesian girl. my father half korean and balinese and my mom is half indonesian and portuguese. i lives in such as beautiful island named bali ( if you are following a lot of korean drama i bet you know where i live ^^) . and talking about korean, my favorite actor for now is Kim woobin (he's my ne favorite actor). the first time i saw him was at the inheiritors. i know that it sounds weird but i always loved the second male lead besides the main lead everytime i watch a drama that i thought it was good ( lee min ho also a good looking guy hehe ). and after that i tried to find anything about woobin's from the movie that he get involved , the drama's and everythings,. but there's something that really make me disappointed, it is when woobin's came to bali and i even didn't know him. i mean like i don't know him when he came to bali. if i knew maybe i will try to find him for sure hahahahahaha...
i'm in loved with this man for sure!

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Between Me, Basketball and Him

         Gue suka banget sama yang namanya basket, well gue gak jago- jago amat sih kalo tentang basket hehe tapi gue hobby banget yang namanya nnton basket.
        First time i saw the real basketball adalah waktu NBL Or National Basketball League buat series Bali. Awalnya gue gak terlalu excited sama NBL because i don't know exactly what it is hahahahaha after i watched the first game, gue kayak di hipnotis sma basket. Gue jadiii falling in love sma basket.
       Dan yang bikin gue kagum lagi ternyata gue baru tau kalo Indonesia had a lot of good player and one more things, they are TALL!!  I don't mean to said that indonesian's are short but i never thought that they are looks like a troll haha
         Awalnya gue cuma berpikiran hanya mau nnton aja, tapi ternyata my journey keep moving to the next level hehe yup! gue dapat kesempatan buat kenalan dan berteman langsung sama beberapa dari pemain2 top itu. and sampai sekarang they are still my friends, and i'm not their fans :p
           tapi tahun ini ada yang beda sama tahun2 sebelumnya, gue kepincut sama salah satu pemain. Yaa dia dari salah satu club di jakarta ( i'm not gonna said it straight a way, sorry haha ) . Pertama gue liat dia waktu gue kuliah di sby and lagi nnton team temen2 gue main di babak semi, dan dia salah satu pemain terbaik yang berhasil mencetak poin terbanyak.
            Jujur gue kesel sama dia and his team karena almost make my fav team lost haha tapi anehnya lama kelamaan gue malah jadi suka sma dia. Sampe akhirnya ketemu secara langsung di seri bali daaaaaann kenalan.
            Like what i said before, i'm not his fans. And that's true, gue sma dia mulai bisa deket lewat chat walaupun dia cueknya mampus hahahaha
           And then we met again at the championship at jogjakarta , mungkin itu yang terakhir kalinya gue ketemu dia. Selebihnya hanya akan ketemu di mimpi dan hanya bisa tau tentang dia di twitter or bbm.
         So, the truth is i'm expected more than a friends and still pray for it hehehe but a lot of people said don't expect too much cause it will hurts you so much :'
How but all of you? Did you have an experience with basketball? Maybe in love with one of it, like me hahahha or had a bad things with it?

Senin, 10 Juni 2013


Hellllloooo fellas, whosever who read my blog. I'm a new blogger. I hope i can share something that will influence your life. Sometimes maybe i will post something about what i feel but i hope i don't do that too often hahahaha

I'm a young woman, half balinese-toraja and sumba. Living in the beautiful island called BALI. Bali is one of wonderful island of Indonesia, if you know haha . I shared to you guys a pic of one of the secret beach at bali :)

Talking about journey, hmmmmmm for me my life now is a journey. why?  Because everyday i have to through something to get to the place that i want to be. Maybe right know i don't know whre it will leads me, but i believe with the help from my Father God, i will stop my journey to the right destination that God's already plan for me :)

So what's life means for you?